Let's kick off the month of May focused on marketing with content.
You know what I say, “you need to create content that works on business objectives”
The secret to winning the content marketing game isn’t quantity but intention.
The best way to produce content that achieves business objectives is to have it focus on the problems and desires of prospects and customers. It’s all about delivering independent value with content before you attempt to make the sale.
Experience tells me that for some of you this is going to be a challenge because content must be created for every aspect of the customer life-cycle by matching different kinds of content with the customer life cycle.
The Internet has disrupted the traditional sales process, allowing the prospective customer or client to begin research on their own terms via search and social media. This means savvy business owners or marketing departments must adapt to the information-empowered prospect in a fashion that more resembles courting than it does selling.
These posts aim to help you, your team, and your marketing service providers better understand how to develop content that serves a strategic marketing and business objective in route to your ideal client.
I made the following statement in some social channels recently — “The future of content marketing is less about the impact of words and more about the experiences created for the buyer.” The comment stirred quite a reaction. Many people fervently agreed while others simply wanted to know more. So, here’s what I mean by that statement.
Content that engages is the hardest job these days, but when you plan your content with your customer journey in mind it pays off more often than not. Effective marketing now requires that educational content is part of the strategy conversation in almost every business.
The topic for today’s instagram post is drawn from a conversation I had about content with Laura, a government contractor.⠀ I was recently pursuing a marketing strategy engagement for another company they operate when Laura emailed me to express her concerns about the topic.⠀
It not only touches all aspects of your marketing these days but of your business as well. It really powers every step in the customer journey and is one of the most essential ways to position your business and create a relationship out there.⠀
As content becomes more important in the marketing mix, it must play an core role in your marketing strategy and marketing planning. You must think about your content achieving a business goal or objective. Building an asset to serve your organization over time.
In order to thrive in today’s digitally driven business environment, service based business owners and professionals need to think and act more like media companies. I suppose to some degree this has always been true, but it is painfully so now that prospects have access to mounds of content and information.
Learn how to drive more traffic to your website and generate more sales from the visits you’re getting. Every organization is now a media company, which means there’s a growing number of marketers that must commit to producing content just like a publisher. Today’s prospects expect to find and search for the answers to problems or challenges they encounter.
I’m often talking about producing educational content as way for potential prospects to become aware of you and trust you. Today, educational content is the price of admission into a prospects world. If you’re not consistently producing high quality, useful content that addresses the questions, concerns and needs of your prospects and customers there’s a really good chance you won’t get found, stand out and gain the kind of trust needed to make a sale = grow your business.
The new rules of effective marketing now requires that content is part of the strategy conversation in almost every business. The word content itself has a lot of hoopla around it today, making it difficult for many small businesses and organizations to think and approach it with the clarity needed and discover the role it plays in the customer life cycle.
One of the biggest problems today is prospects feeling buried under all the information they have access to today. This creates another set of problems for owners and CEOs of small businesses because the person they're selling to is either very smart about what you are selling or very confused about what you are selling. ⠀
Let me ask you a question: What if you could turn the tables and instead get clients to seek you out? Today it's more about being found and less about going out and hunting. I like to think of it as reverse prospecting.
The difference between the two—content and content marketing— is significant. Content by itself is just a tool. Plenty of companies have been using content to market their business for a long time, this isn’t anything new—whether it’s a proposal, ad, brochure, rack card, marketing kit, email, stationary, blog post or newsletter. Most of this content is entirely promotional, focused on the company: their products, services, accolades, features and benefits—not the customer or the information that they are most interested in and find valuable.
Both the marketing and sales world has changed over the past decade with the introduction of content and information sharing technologies. In order to learn more about this change and what marketing and sales people can do, I have created this post to talk about how tried and true content marketing tactics translate into the new practice of content selling.
Here’s my take on strategic content marketing for small businesses and organizations. The need to produce content in marketing has grown as today is more about being found—earning attention—and less about going out and hunting. If you’re interested in marketing your business effectively (and who isn’t at this point), you can’t escape hearing about content marketing. It’s everywhere you look, or listen.
The greatest benefit to approaching marketing as a process is that you get to upgrade it systematically. I’ve been introducing this to our clients but today I want to give you an insider’s look at you how to make your content work for small business. Making your content a workhorse for your small business starts with establishing what I call “mini-wikipedia pages” on your website – which are focused on providing all the information a visitor could need or want on a single area of expertise or topic.
Certainly you've heard about using content in your marketing whether it's your website, graphics, videos, articles, documents, presentations, etc., if you're in business you can't escape it. But if not, let me give you a little more insight to get you working on your content strategy.
Change how your ideal clients view your solution and business. In order to compete today, you must change the way in which you, your solution, and your business are seen by prospective clients. To accomplish this, adopt the following one tip to be part of your marketing strategy.
Handyman Company Content Marketing Example
If you’re a small service based business that needs help with content marketing for your business or your business’s online presence on Google and other search engines, at Indispensable Marketing we can help. We offer marketing strategy consulting, marketing audits, monthly marketing packages, consultations, exploratory calls or monthly local SEO services. Contact us for more information.
Indispensable Marketing takes a process approach to developing and installing your small business marketing.