Let's kick off the month of August focused on lead generation for your small business.
You know what I say, “leads are the lifeblood of every business. Clients are actually the lifeblood, however, without leads there are no clients.”
When it comes to lead generation, too many small business owners focus most of their attention on single event lead generation promotions.
The most effective lead generation occurs through the careful blending of multiple avenues and channels.
Often a prospect must encounter your brand or message dozens of times before they decide to move forward or make a purchase.
It is the momentum and cumulative impact of presenting your message in each of these arenas that eventually allows you to cut through the clutter and become the provider of choice to a market.
Each area is equally important to your overall success and each area must receive the attention needed to let your market know you are serious about earning their business.
Which means lead generation is essentially a game of channels more than tactics.
Translation: you need to find the right mix of channels that allow you to profitably attract a high enough number of leads over and over again in order to feed your growth objectives.
You don’t simply assemble a few tactics; you master a few ideal prospect channels.
A channel for lead generation purposes is simply a broad way to gain access to your prospective audience – so referrals is a channel, sales is a channel, SEO is a channel, and speaking is a channel – and there are countless ways to master every channel.
These posts aim to help you, your team, and your marketing service providers better understand how to build a lead generation process that serves a strategic and business objective in route to growth.
Can we have this real conversation? So many owners and CEOs invest their resources of time, energy, attention, and money into every idea or tactic of the week. Trying lead generation services, signing up for Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, clubhouse, and any other social account being mentioned, purchasing followers, buying LinkedIn automation, I mean you name it I've probably seen it.
Most owners and CEOs of small businesses are still fascinated with generating fans, followers, and likes but at the end of the day, the real focus should be on generating clients. Specifically finding the right clients for your business.⠀
Many small business owners believe that a website's job is for lead generation. Just create website pages, write the recommended minimum of 300 words per page, add a call-to-action button to the top and bottom of every page then sit back and the phone will start ringing. Yet the primary job of a website isn’t to only generate leads. In fact, 92% of consumers visit a brand's website for the first time for reasons other than buying.
The statement you just read sounds like common sense: "build on the success you're already having." The problem is that most owners and CEOs of small businesses don't know what's working, and even when they do, they may not think of it as marketing.
Whoever gets closer to the customers wins in business. If your people don’t know exactly which customers to target and what fuels their buying decisions, small business growth will always feel painfully slow. Customers constantly shift their behavior and attention and that is why your loyalty must be to them not tools.
Recently I was in talks with a prospective client for developing their marketing strategy plan and during this conversation, the topic of guiding the #customerjourney and understanding customer touchpoints become the discussion.
I’ve spoken with hundreds of owners and CEOs of small businesses over the years and the #1 pain point for many is lead generation. Not that they can’t generate leads, it’s just a constant battle to keep the flow going. That’s why I created an approach called “channel mastery” that will help you achieve more with the marketing resources you have and generate a better flow of leads.
I work with a lot of small businesses that implement b2b marketing and for many of them, the most effective marketing strategy involves in person education through speaking and presenting. 🗣️🎤👩🏫🎫🖥️🎟️👨🏫 I know that the idea of speaking and presenting is not exactly a new strategy, everyone acknowledges this, but finding ways to apply it in the realm of a specific marketing process seems a little harder to pin down.
There's no 🚫🚫🚫 one way to generate a lead - in fact - you need to employ several ways - paid ads, SEO, speaking, PR, referrals, sales, strategic partnerships, networking.
When I went to a small business conference in Hampton VA I spent some time talking to a business development professional for the State of Virginia who asked, "what's the difference between business development and marketing?" Here's my point of view: business development and marketing are both responsible for growing sales, but they each have different job responsibilities in how they achieve that goal.
Recently I had the opportunity to chat with a franchise owner and one of the things they mentioned was their frustration with a national lead generation company provided by the franchisor. Now I don't have anything against lead generation companies but one of the issues I've seen from experience is that they produce low quality leads which brings you activity but as this franchise owner pointed out not a lot of accomplishment in terms of turning leads into clients.
I speak to tons of #businessowners who own and operate a home services business about the right way to approach directory advertising because usually they're at the mercy of a middle man. And that middle man is the closest to the customer. And in almost any business the one who is the closest to the customer wins.
The reason social media isn't working is because of how you view its role in the big marketing picture. A lot of what’s written about social media amounts to a list of things you should do—get on Instagram, blog, create a LinkedIn page—and not enough on WHY you might consider doing it.
It's a truism that "one of the easiest ways to grow your business is to do more business with your existing clients" but often the key element to executing this marketing strategy is never talked about. What is it? Trust.
What I'm about to reveal in this post is something I think still, for a lot of businesses is a missing link. One of the best ways to #growyourbusiness is to do more with existing clients. The missing link 🔗 to getting repeat business is not more promotions, a perfect website page, or even great discounts, it's to 100% make sure that your clients are getting the most value possible from working with you.
IT Consulting Firm Lead Generation Example
If you’re a small service based business that needs help with lead generation for your business or your business’s online presence on Google and other search engines, at Indispensable Marketing we can help. We offer marketing strategy consulting, marketing audits, monthly marketing packages, consultations, exploratory calls or monthly local SEO services. Contact us for more information.
Indispensable Marketing takes a process approach to developing and installing your small business marketing.